Anchovy Fish Sauce : King of Umami [ Natural Seasoning ]

Anchovy fish sauce is one of the ingredients used in many dishes.
It is usually widely used in kimchi and stir-fry dishes. In this post, we will tell you more about Anchovy FishSauce.


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Anchovy Seasoning

What is anchovy sauce?

Korean Anchovy FishSauce is a food made by salting and fermenting anchovies.
It has a stronger smell and taste than canary fish sauce, so it is essential when making kimchi.
When making kimchi, Anchovy FishSauce is used to bring out the unique umami taste of kimchi.

Anchovy Fish Sauce

Anchovy FishSauce is often consumed in the form of fish sauce rather than undiluted solution.
Fish sauce is made by boiling and filtering the undiluted solution of salted fish.
When you go to the market during the kimchi-making season, Anchovy FishSauce is sold in a 10L container.

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Where is anchovy fish sauce used?

Anchovy FishSauce is a seasoning rich in glutamic acid and nucleic acid.
It is used not only for kimchi, but also for seasoning soups and seasoned vegetables.

Anchovy Fish Sauce

Even when boiling Korean noodles, anchovy fish sauce is added instead of anchovy broth.
The soup with anchovy sauce adds a deeper flavor.
Even without MSG, you can taste it with Anchovy FishSauce.
And instead of salt or soy sauce, you can substitute the taste with anchovy fish sauce.
That’s why anchovy fish sauce is a great natural seasoning.

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Making anchovy fish sauce


Fresh Anchovies
Coarse Salt
Storage Box

Order Of Making

A. Wash the anchovies well.
B. Put the anchovies in a storage jar and sprinkle salt over them.
C. Close the lid and cover with a black cloth to block sunlight.
D. Note the date.

The ratio of salt and anchovies

0.33lb salt per 2.2lb anchovies
Aged for more than 3 months.
You can consume it after 3 months.

I mostly use anchovy fish sauce.

Use natural ingredients for healthy and delicious dishes.

SUI frying pan 11inch

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