5 Benefits of Beef Bone Powder: How to Make, Store, and Use It in Korean Cuisine

There are many dishes in Korean cuisine that use beef bones. Representatively, it is used as a seasoning for various foods such as Seolleongtang, Budaejjigae, Tteokguk, and Yukgaejang.
If you use beef bone powder instead of beef bone broth when cooking, you can use it for a long time because it is more convenient and has a longer storage period.
In this article, we will tell you in detail how to store BeefBone powder, how to make Beef bone, and what benefits it has to the body.


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What is Beef Bone Powder?

Beef Bone Powder

BeefBone powder is a kind of seasoning made by refining BeefBone broth in powder form.
If you use beef bones in soup or stew, the savory taste will be stronger and the Umami and deep taste will be improved.
The powder form is easier to store and has a longer shelf life than the stock form.
As introduced earlier, there are many dishes made using beef bone broth.
It is good to use for dishes with white broth, dishes with thick broth, and dishes with meat and broth.

How do you make bone broth?

Traditional beef bone broth is made by boiling BeefBones and mixing the ingredients in the bones with water.
Pour enough water to submerge the BeefBones and continue to simmer over low heat for about 5 hours.
If you boil it for a long time, the nutrients in the BeefBones mix with the water, making the water whiter and thicker.
When all the nutrients are drained from the bones, discard the bones and cool the broth.
The cooled broth becomes soft like pudding, and you can store it in the refrigerator and take it out when you need it.
The method of making BeefBone broth is simple, but the process of making it takes a long time.

Is beef bone broth good for you?

BeefBone broth contains various nutrients.
Representatively, gelatin, collagen, protein, minerals, and 19 kinds of amino acids are contained.
Protein, minerals, and collagen in the bones of cows are extracted from the bones and can be easily absorbed by the body.
When these nutrients are absorbed into our body, the skin becomes shiny and is very good for immunity.

Collagen, as everyone knows, makes the skin firm and helps with skin diseases.

Protein typically nourishes hair and nails to create healthy hair and nails.

Minerals are mineral nutrients necessary for the physiological function of living organisms. It contains potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Gelatin helps bowel movements and prevents chronic diseases such as constipation. Glycine contained in gelatin strengthens the gastric mucosa and prevents gastritis and ulcers.

Korean Cuisine Beef Bone Broth

Making Traditional Beef Bone Broth

Beef bone

  1. In a large container, put 1 kg of BeefBone, 1 kg of miscellaneous bone, and 400 g of beef tendon and surrounding meat.
  2. Pour enough water to cover all the bones.
  3. Close the lid and simmer for about 5 hours.
  4. If you keep boiling, too much water may evaporate. In this case, add water little by little.

Boil the Beef Bone

After boiling for about 5 hours, the BeefBone broth is complete as shown in the picture below.
When the beef bone broth is put in a barrel and cooled, it turns into a soft jelly.
When using this jelly-like broth, pour an appropriate amount into a pot and boil again to make a liquid.

It takes too much time to make it the traditional way, and in rural areas parents often make it for their children to eat when they come home.
In modern society, you will not have enough time to make it with great care for a long time.
So, in the case of me, I usually buy beef bone powder from the mart and use it.
Try adding beef bone powder or broth when cooking.
You can cook really tasty dishes.

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