7 Bay Leaves Benefits, How to use Bay Leaf Indian[ Medicinal uses, other than Cooking ]

7 Bay Leaves Benefits, How to use Bay Leaf Indian[ Medicinal uses, other than Cooking ]

Bay leaves have various functions.
It contains many elements that are helpful to our bodies, from insect repellent to cooking.
In this post, we will learn more about the benefits and various functions of bay leaves.


Bay leaves belong to the green tree leaves.
It is widely grown along the Mediterranean coast and in Italy.

Bay leaves have a strong scent and a slightly bitter taste, so they are often used to remove fishy odors when boiling meat or as a sauce.
Except for bay leaves, bay leaves are not used separately because they contain toxic substances.

Benefits of bay leaves

Generally, when using for cooking, bay leaves are picked and dried before use.
The main ingredients are eucalyptol, terpene, and methyl eugenol contained in the leaves.

This ingredient is a clear liquid that emits an aroma from the leaves and has a slightly bitter taste.
It is widely used in flavorings, perfumes, pest repellent, mouthwash, cosmetics, etc.

Use Bay Leaf Indian in Your Cooking

Bay Leaf Indian

Bay leaves are often used on pork and fish because they have a strong scent and are used to remove fishy smells.
There are a variety of ingredients used to remove fishy smells.

Generally, soju, bay leaves, whole peppers, whole garlic, lemon, milk, and rice water are used.
When boiling pork, add soju or mirin and boil it with 2 to 3 bay leaves to remove the fishy smell.

How to get rid of rice bugs with bay leaves [ How to get rid of weevils ]

rice bug

Rice bugs [ weevil ] may occur if rice is stored at room temperature.
The ideal temperature for rice bugs to be active is 28 to 30 degrees.

If even one rice bug appears, the number of rice bugs becomes uncontrollable.
Rice bugs lay 400 to 500 eggs.

If rice bugs appear in your rice container, you must get rid of them as quickly as possible.
We will tell you how to prevent rice bugs before they occur.

How to get rid of rice bugs with bay leaves

A. It is best to fill a rice storage container with raw rice and store it in a kimchi refrigerator or refrigerator.
[ If stored at low temperature, rice bugs will not occur. ]
B. Filling a rice container with rice and placing a few bay leaves on top will help prevent rice bugs.
[ Bay leaves are also used as an insect repellent. This is one of the best ways to prevent rice bugs from being released. ]

The Benefits of Laurel Leaves

Antipyretic effect

Everyone has probably experienced it when they have a cold or are sick and have a fever.
Bay leaves have the effect of reducing fever and maintaining normal body temperature.

Hair growth

The oil of bay leaves has many beneficial effects on our body. Among them, it is very helpful in hair growth.
It has the effect of promoting blood circulation in the head for healthy scalp and good hair growth.
If your hair is falling out or you have thinning hair, you may want to try using bay leaf shampoo.

Anti inflammatory effect

If you eat burnt meat or cook flour incorrectly and consume foods that produce harmful substances!
If you feel sleepy and your body feels slightly tingled!

It is a symptom of inflammation in the body.
As inflammation occurs in the body, immunity also decreases.

When inflammation occurs in our body, healthy cells work hard to heal the body and restore the body.
People and animals experience inflammation and then healing countless times a day.

Bay leaves have anti inflammatory effects. A small amount of bay leaves can help reduce inflammation in the body.
In particular, it has a good effect on pain relief accompanied by inflammation such as arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Strengthening immunity

The antioxidants contained in the leaves neutralize radicals to prevent cell damage and strengthen immunity.
Bay leaves have immunomodulatory properties and help relieve allergies.

Antioxidative effect

Bay leaves have antioxidant effects. It prevents cell damage and is effective in anti-aging.
Due to its antioxidant effect, it helps prevent skin aging and cancer.
Due to the strong scent of the leaves, it is also good for antibacterial effects.


Bay leaves contain many beneficial components of our body.
Until now, we haven’t paid much attention to them, so we didn’t know, but if you read this and think their benefits are necessary for you, be sure to make use of them.

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