The Best Cucumber Kimchi Korean Recipe

The Best Cucumber Kimchi Korean Recipe

Cucumbers are low in calories and contain a lot of water, so kimchi is made using cucumbers.
This article contains cucumber kimchi recipes and everything about cucumbers.

I think it’ll be helpful if you read it through.


Benefits of Cucumber

The Best Cucumber Kimchi Pickles Recipe

Cucumber is a plant that contains a lot of water.
For that reason, it is also widely used for cosmetic purposes.

Cucumber has almost no nutrients other than vitamin C.
It contains a lot of moisture, so it helps discharge sodium.

It has very low calories, about 9 kacl per 100g of calories, so you can eat it without any burden.
Cucumbers contain 95% water, so eating cucumbers when there is no water can quench your thirst.

Cucumber is widely known as a diet food.
Eating too many cucumbers instead of rice can lead to malnutrition.
You should eat in moderation.

The bitter taste of cucumbers is bitter because of the ingredients Cucervitacin and Cucurbitacin.
Cucumbers become less bitter as they ripen.

What types of cucumber dishes are there?

Cucumber cold soup [ Types of cucumber dishes ]

There are many dishes you can make with cucumbers.
In Korea, it is usually used in various foods such as cucumber kimchi [ Oi Kimchi ] , cucumber cold soup, cucumbe Sobagi, cucumber pickles, salad ingredients, sandwich ingredients, jajangmyeon ingredients, and gimbap ingredients.

Cucumber kimchi is made by sprinkling salt on cucumbers, leaving them for about an hour, and then sprinkling red pepper powder on them.
Cucumber cold soup is made by slicing cucumbers lengthwise in ice cold water and adding vinegar, sugar, and Miwon.
Cucumbers sobagi [ Oi Sobagi ] is a form of making kimchi by cutting a cucumber into 4 equal parts and then cutting one of them into 4 equal parts.
Cucumber pickles are seasoned with soy sauce, then uncut cucumbers are soaked in soy sauce and pickled for about 10 days.

It is also used as a variety of sub-ingredients such as salads, jajangmyeon, sandwiches, and gimbap.

How long does homemade cucumber kimchi last?

Cucumber Kimchi Korean Recipe

Make kimchi and store it in the refrigerator.
If you ripen it in the refrigerator for about 2 days, the red pepper powder seeps in well and makes it more delicious.

And smell the cucumber kimchi after about 5 days.
If the smell of cucumber kimchi smells like it’s cooking, please eat it quickly.
Usually, the shelf life of cucumber kimchi is expected to be 7 days.

Does cucumber kimchi go bad?

After 7 days of making cucumber kimchi, you will smell it ripening.
This isn’t a bad thing.

But after a while, the smell will get worse and you won’t want to eat it.
Please do not eat at this time and throw it away. I’ve had this same experience several times.

Here are some of the best cucumber kimchi recipes below.
keep following me

Cucumber Kimchi Recipe

Cucumber Kimchi Ingredients

  • 2 cucumbers [ Mix well with salt and leave for 10 minutes. ]
  • Carrot
  • Onion
  • Seemed
  • 1 tbsp minced garlic
  • 1/2 tbsp minced ginger
  • 2 tablespoons plum juice
  • 2.5 tbsp red pepper powder
  • Anchovy Powder & Anchovy Dashi
  • 1 tbsp seasoning salt
  • 1 teaspoon MSG
  • Sesame salt

Material Trimming

Cut the onion, carrot and leek into bite-size pieces. [ Note the video! ]

How to Make Cucumber Kimchi – Cucumber Recipe

A. Slice 2 cucumbers thinly.
B. Serve in a large bowl.

cucumbers Kimchi

C. Sprinkle salt on cucumbers and let them rot for about 30 minutes.

cucumbers Kimchi

D. Wash the salt component with water.

cucumbers Kimchi

E. Add the sliced onion and carrot, add all seasoning ingredients and mix well.

F. Add chives and sprinkle with sesame seeds and salt.

cucumbers Kimchi

G. Finally, mix well to complete.

cucumbers Kimchi

Cucumber Kimchi Fermented : Rather than eating it right away, if you put it in the refrigerator for about 2 days before eating it, the seasoning will permeate the cucumber and it will be even more delicious.

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