EomukGuk [ Fish Cake Soup ]Recipe Best Odeng Guk

EomukGuk [ Fish Cake Soup ]Recipe Best Odeng Guk, Korean Fish Cake, fish cake soup korean

The fish cake soup, which becomes savory and Umami the more you boil it, is a popular Korean dish.
Dishes that use fish cake as the main ingredient are very satisfying to those who eat them.
This article introduces the general story of fish cake-soup and how to make it.


Fish Cake Soup Daily Life Story

This is a picture of the daily life of Eomukguk.

Fish cake-soup is one of the foods that comes to mind a lot, especially in the snowy and cold winter.
When I’m waiting for the bus at the bus stop in winter, the smell of fish cake-soup comes to my side somewhere.
Then, without my knowledge, my footsteps are heading to the food stall.
If you eat the fish cake-soup sold at the stall, your body will warm up and you will feel full.
Twenty years ago, fish cakes sold at food stalls gave 5 skewers for $1.
Currently, the price has risen a lot, so it is only 2 skewers for $ 1.
So now I don’t buy it, I make it often and eat it.

Why Is Fish Cake Soup So Delicious?

This is a picture of making fish cake dough. After making a shape with the dough and frying it in oil, it becomes the finished fish cake.

Fish paste is made from flour, mashed fish, and a mixture of vegetables.
When making fish cake-soup, there are 5 ingredients.
Onion, green onion, anchovy, Cheongyang pepper, radish

  1. Fish cake basically tastes like fish Umami.
  2. Sweetness of onions and green onions
    The Umami taste of anchovies
    Cool taste from radish
    Clean and spicy taste of Cheongyang red pepper [Use lightly]

All of these are put together to make fish cake-soup.
Add 1/2 teaspoon of MSG to enhance the Umami.
To express the final taste of the soup with a clean taste, you can use 1/2 to 1 cheongyang red pepper.

I tried to express the taste in writing.

SUI Frying Pan

Shall We Make Fish Cake Soup?


Anchovy broth concentrate 1 serving [Use anchovies. ]
3 square fish cakes [Cut lengthwise into 5 equal parts. ]
1/2 onion
1 cheongyang pepper
1/3 green onion
1/4 tbsp salt
Some pepper

  1. Cut radishes and spread them on the bottom of the pot. [A refreshing taste]
  2. Add onion and green onion. [Sweetness]
  3. Cheongyang red pepper [Clean taste]
  4. Fish cake [The savory & Umami taste increases as fish cake is added and boiled.]
  5. Put 1 liter of water in a pot.
  6. Turn on the gas stove and boil it.
  7. Adjust the salty taste with salt.
  8. Tap the pepper 3 times [Let the pepper smell and taste slightly]
  9. To add umami, add 1/2 teaspoon of MSG.

This is a picture explaining how to make fish cake soup.

This is a picture explaining how to make fish cake soup.

SUI Frying Pan

This is a picture explaining how to make fish cake soup.

This is a picture explaining how to make fish cake soup.

The History of Fish Cake Soup [ Eomukguk ]

It has a long history of 1392 – 1910.
It appeared in the method of pounding fish and preserving it in a round shape.
Gradually, as time passed, the dish evolved, resulting in fish cake soup, a street food.
There are no facts about the detailed evolution method yet, and only the data that are currently introduced are available.

Fish cake soup has about 120 calories per 0.5lb.
You can find many of them on the street at an affordable price.
It is usually sold at stalls in the cold winter, and not only fish cakes, but also tteokbokki and Crucian Carp Bread are sold.


Eomukguk is a snack that reminds us of our childhood.
The fragrant soup smell has the power to bring to a boil those who pass by.
If you are planning a winter trip to Korea, be sure to try the fish cake soup.

If you want to make it at home, first try the fish cake soup sold at Korean restaurants or street vendors.
So you can know the standard of taste and make it at home.

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