Grilled freshwater eel : 2 Flavors of Stamina Replenishment Grilled eel

2 Flavors of Stamina Replenishment Grilled eel [ Grilled freshwater eel ]

Grilled eel is the best food to protect our bodies!
Grilled eel, the favorite food of Koreans, is a representative stamina food.
In this article, we will tell you everything about grilled eel and freshwater eel in detail.


What does grilled freshwater eel taste like?

Salt Grilled Freshwater eel : Grilled eel by sprinkling salt on the white flesh and grilling it on the grill!
Grilled freshwater eel with red pepper paste seasoning : Seasoned grilled eel made by applying red pepper paste seasoning to the eel and grilling it on the grill!

Divided into two flavors

Eel meat contains a small amount of oil, so if you eat a lot of it, it tastes oily.
So I eat it with raw garlic and ginger.

Freshwater eel has a chewy texture and has no fishy taste at all.
The flesh is white and looks crumbly, but it is not crumbly at all and has a light taste.

The eel that is good for our body is freshwater eel.
They usually inhabit the mid-point between freshwater and seawater, but freshwater eels have not yet discovered a method of hatching and cultivating their eggs.

That’s why freshwater eels are expensive.
In Korea, the price is about $100 per kg [2 eels].

How to eat grilled freshwater eel [ How do you eat cooked eel? ]

Cut the eel into bite-size pieces and sprinkle salt on top.
Place it on a charcoal fire or grill pan and grill it until golden brown.

You just need to cook the beef longer than when grilling it on a grill.
Freshwater eel does not burn easily, so you can bake it for a longer time.

All cooked eels can be eaten wrapped in lettuce.
It’s really delicious if you put a piece of eel, garlic, ginger, and ssamjang on top of lettuce and wrap it.

eel lettuce wrap

Why Eels Are Stamina Foods [Why freshwater eels are good for you]

Eels are good for your health because they are strong? That’s not true.
The reason why eel is a stamina food in Korea is because of its ingredients

The eel has many ingredients that are good for our body
I will briefly tell you the ingredients and effects below.

Arginine [Improves stamina]

Arginine dilates blood vessels and helps blood flow better.
It also contains chondroitin and machine, which strengthen the urinary and reproductive systems.

When an eel is caught, it violently flaps its tail here and there.
Many people say that eel tails are good for men.
However, eels have the same ingredients in both the tail and body

Vitamin A

Eels are rich in vitamin A
The vitamin A in carrots is responsible for the health of the eyes
It helps to form fat layers on the surface of the eyeball, dry eyes, and prevent night blindness.
If you eat carrots and eels together, you’ll get more vitamin A, which will give your eyes more nutrients


cartosine, one of the ingredients in the eel, helps us recover from fatigue
And it’s the main ingredient that neutralizes lactic acid, which is a muscle fatigue substance that accumulates after exercise or excessive work
I usually eat eel in summer, but I also eat it a lot in the winter to protect my body

Skin improvement

In eel, vitamin A, vitamin E, and retinol help increase skin elasticity by regenerating collagen
And vitamin A and vitamin E are responsible for preventing oxidation of the skin by removing free radicals

Improvement of brain function

Eels are rich in essential fatty acids such as DHA and EPA, which improve brain function such as protecting brain cells and supplying brain nutrition
Children are good for brain development and help prevent dementia in the elderly


Eel contains many ingredients that help our body
There is no reason not to eat freshwater eel, which tastes good and is also healthy.
We briefly learned all about eels.

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