Korean Spicy Kimchi Bean Sprout Soup Recipe [Vegetarian Soybean Sprout jjigae and 5 Benefits]

Korean Spicy Kimchi Bean Sprout Soup Recipe [Vegetarian Soybean Sprout jjigae and 5 Benefits]

Bean sprouts are commonly known to be good for relieving hangovers.
Even when you have a cold, eating bean sprout soup has a positive effect on improving immunity.
In this post, we will learn more about bean sprouts, which are good for relieving hangovers and improving immunity, and make kimchi stew using bean sprouts.


Bean Sprout Benefits

The benefits of bean sprouts can be summarized in five points.

A. Improve immunity
B. Hangover relief
C. Constipation improvement
D. Anemia prevention
E. Prevention of cardiovascular disease

A. Improve Immunity

Vitamin A

Bean sprouts contain vitamin A, which helps keep the skin and mucous membranes healthy, preventing pathogens from entering the body.
By blocking bacteria and pathogens, vitamin A enhances the body’s defense mechanisms.

Vitamin B

Bean sprouts are rich in B vitamins.
Vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in the immune system by contributing to the production of white blood cells and antibodies.

Vitamin C

Bean sprouts contain a high amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C strengthens the function of white blood cells and promotes the activity of immune cells.
Active immune cells improve the body’s defense against viruses and bacteria.

Therefore, vitamin C provides significant benefits to our body.


Bean sprouts are rich in plant-based proteins.
Proteins are the basic building blocks of all body cells, including immune cells.
Sufficient protein intake is essential for the generation of immune cells, which strengthens the body.


Bean sprouts are rich in antioxidants like polyphenols and flavonoids.
Antioxidants remove free radicals in the body, preventing cell damage and keeping the immune system healthy.

Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber in bean sprouts helps maintain gut health and smooth digestion.
Gut health is closely related to immune strength.

Sufficient fiber intake aids in improving immunity.

◎ Vitamin A – First Line of Defense [Strengthens the skin and mucous membranes to prevent bacteria and pathogens from entering.]

◎ Vitamin B – Second Line of Defense [Contributes to the production of white blood cells and antibodies.]

◎ Vitamin C – Third Line of Defense [Strengthens immune cells in the body.]

◎ Protein – Fourth Line of Defense [Generates immune cells.]

◎ Antioxidants – Fifth Line of Defense [Prevents cell damage.]

◎ Dietary Fiber – Sixth Line of Defense [Improves immunity by enhancing gut health.]

Fever Reduction – Bean sprouts are known for their fever-reducing effects.
Consuming bean sprout soup when you have a cold provides hydration and nutrition.

Vitamin C, antioxidants, and dietary fiber contribute to fever reduction.
Additionally, the various vitamins in bean sprouts play significant roles in protecting the body.

B. Hangover Relief

Bean sprouts contain several components that help alleviate hangovers.


Helps in the breakdown of alcohol, especially by aiding the liver in detoxifying and breaking down acetaldehyde, which alleviates hangover symptoms.

Vitamin C

Enhances liver function and helps repair liver cells damaged by alcohol.
Its antioxidant action helps eliminate harmful substances in the body and aids in fatigue recovery.

Vitamin B
B vitamins promote energy metabolism and restore nervous system functions.
Bean sprouts are particularly rich in vitamins B1 and B6, which are important for recovering from the depletion caused by alcohol consumption.

Dietary Fiber
Helps remove toxins from the gut and supports digestive health, contributing to overall recovery from hangovers.

C. Constipation Relief

Bean sprouts improve constipation through dietary fiber, probiotics, and hydration.
Dietary fiber supports gut health, and probiotics help grow beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Additionally, the high water content in bean sprouts aids in alleviating constipation by keeping the stool soft.

D. Anemia Prevention

Bean sprouts contain iron, a key component of hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.
Iron helps prevent anemia, and the presence of vitamin C, folic acid, and proteins in bean sprouts also contributes to maintaining healthy blood cells.

After childbirth, supplements of folic acid and iron are often taken to prevent anemia, both of which are found in bean sprouts.

E. Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Dietary fiber in bean sprouts lowers cholesterol levels and prevents cholesterol from accumulating on artery walls.
The potassium in bean sprouts helps eliminate waste and sodium from the body, improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation.

Bean sprouts contain a variety of nutrients that are good for our bodies.
Knowing that they have these beneficial components, I also make and eat bean sprout soup when I catch a cold.

Dishes that can be made with bean sprouts include seasoned bean sprouts, clear bean sprout soup, kimchi bean sprout soup, and they are also often used as an additional ingredient in steamed dishes.
Their crunchy texture makes them a great complement to many dishes.

Spicy Kimchi Bean Sprout Soup Recipe

Making Kimchi Bean Sprout Soup - 7

Bean sprouts contain a variety of nutrients that are good for our bodies.
Knowing that they have these beneficial components, I also make and eat bean sprout soup when I catch a cold.

Dishes that can be made with bean sprouts include seasoned bean sprouts, clear bean sprout soup, kimchi bean sprout soup, and they are also often used as an additional ingredient in steamed dishes.
Their crunchy texture makes them a great complement to many dishes.

Ingredients for Spicy Kimchi Bean Sprout Soup

◎ 100g kimchi
◎ 150g bean sprouts
◎ 500ml water
◎ One anchovy broth
◎ flavored salt
◎ miwon
◎ 1/3 Cheongyang pepper
◎ 1/3 of 500g tofu
◎ 1/4 green onion

◎ Salted Shrimp

Making Kimchi Bean Sprout Soup - 1

Add 500ml of water to the pot.
These days, there is no need to make your own anchovy broth.

Simply add one concentrated anchovy broth pill.
It will begin to slowly dissolve in water.

Making Kimchi Bean Sprout Soup - 2

Please add kimchi.
Adding ripe kimchi deepens the flavor of kimchi bean sprout soup.
[ Well-fermented kimchi refers to kimchi that has been aged in the refrigerator for about six months after it was first made. ]

Making Kimchi Bean Sprout Soup - 3

Please cut one-third of the tofu into bite-sized pieces.

Tofu is also a food made from soybeans.
By adding the beneficial components of bean sprouts and tofu, you can create a soup that is even better for your body.

Making Kimchi Bean Sprout Soup - 4

Put the bean sprouts in the pot.
Put the bean sprouts in the pot and soak them in the broth.

Immediately close the lid and boil for 5 minutes.
The reason for closing the lid is that if you boil bean sprouts without closing the lid, the bean sprouts may smell fishy.

Making Kimchi Bean Sprout Soup - 5

Please add one-third of a cheongyang pepper.
Adding cheongyang pepper will make it even spicier.

Since cheongyang pepper has a clean and spicy flavor, try adding it instead of red pepper flakes to enhance the spiciness.
[ If you want a sharper taste when eating the soup, add red pepper powder instead of Cheongyang pepper. ]

Taste the broth.
First, check for saltiness.

If the broth is bland, adjust the saltiness first with salt.
Once you’ve adjusted the saltiness to your liking, add MSG for more depth of flavor.

Add MSG gradually, starting with half a small teaspoon at a time, to enhance the flavor.
Adding too much MSG can make it taste greasy, so add it slowly, and stop when it tastes good to you.

Making Kimchi Bean Sprout Soup - 6

After boiling for another 2 minutes, turn off the heat and enjoy it.

Making Kimchi Bean Sprout Soup - 7

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