Lifetime Of Korean Apples and 3 Health Benefits

Lifetime Of Korean Apples and 3 Health Benefits

In Korea, flowers bloom on apple trees in spring, fruits grow in summer, and fruits are picked in autumn.
When apples turn red in the fall, they have a high sugar content.
Today’s topic will tell you about Korean apples and tell you more about the benefits of apples.


Apple’s Life

Summer apples. [Korean Apples ]
SUI Frying Pan

Apples are usually grown from late September to mid-October.
Apple trees bloom in spring.
The bees then fertilize the flowers and start producing fruit.

If you look where the apple blossoms used to be in June, you can see small fruits.
Apples grow profusely from July to August.
If you eat an unripe apple at this time, it will taste bitter.

In September, you can see the red ripe apples.
When it turns red, the sweetness is at its peak.
Therefore, apples are grown from late September to mid-October, when the sweetness is at its peak.

Benefits of Apples

Apples are an alkaline fruit.
Because it is rich in dietary fiber, it releases cholesterol accumulated in the blood vessels out of the body.
It is low in calories and contains many healthy ingredients.

Dietary fiber photo.

Apples contain a large amount of vitamin A, potassium and dietary fiber.
It is good to eat a lot of apples that are good for your diet and good for your skin.

And there is an old saying that an apple in the morning is good for you, and an apple in the evening is bad for you.

How about eating an apple for breakfast?

Apples contain pectin, which promotes intestinal movement and helps smooth bowel movements.
So, if you eat an apple in the morning, the bowel movement is smooth and cool.

This is a picture of an apple
Korean BBQ Grill

So how about eating an apple for dinner?

Eating an apple in the evening can promote bowel movement, disrupting sleep and making you feel bloated when you wake up in the morning.
And eating an apple in the evening can cause heartburn.
However, it doesn’t matter if you eat it at any time in the morning or evening if you don’t have a bunch of digestion.

What are some dishes made with apples?

Apple dishes are used in many dishes such as apple salad, apple pie, apple jam, and apple juice.
Apples are often used as a secondary ingredient rather than the main ingredient.

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is the source.

Because apples give a sweet and refreshing feeling, they are ground and mixed together when making seasoning.
In the case of cold noodles, apples or pears are cut into slices and eaten with cold noodles.


Apples are high in fiber and contain many nutrients that are good for our body.
It contains various ingredients from vitamins to cholesterol removal, so it helps with diet.
Sweet and healthy apples! Is there any reason not to eat it?

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