Korean banquet noodles [ Janchi Guksu ] korean noodles recipe,The past of banquet noodles

Korean banquet noodles [ Janchi Guksu ] korean noodles recipe,The past of banquet noodles
Korean banquet noodles are said to be a traditional Korean dish, but the history is rather short.
This is a food that is usually eaten when there is a local party in Korea.
Party noodles! I will tell you all about the general contents and recipe of the dish made by adding anchovy broth with somen noodles.


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What are banquet noodles?

banquet noodles [Korean banquet noodles]

Janchiguksu is a dish where local residents gather and have a party when something good happens, such as a wedding or the 60th birthday.
One of the dishes that always appear at this time is banquet noodle.
It’s easy to make and tastes good, so it’s now sold in many snack bars.

I also remember that when we had a party in the neighborhood 30 years ago, the women made a bowl of noodles for each child who was playing nearby.
It is called Korean traditional food, but the history is very short.

This dish was created between the late Joseon Dynasty and the Japanese colonial period.
After the independence of Korea, a large amount of flour was provided by the United States, and banquet noodle were made using a somen factory and an anchovy drying factory left here by the Japanese.

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How to cook banquet noodle to make them delicious?

The basis of banquet noodle is soup.
Anchovy broth is used for the noodles.

Boil various vegetables and eggs in anchovy broth, then add salt and MSG to enhance the taste.
Below, I wrote down in detail how to boil anchovy broth and banquet noodle.

Making banquet noodles

A. Making anchovy broth

There are 5 ingredients required to make anchovy broth.

Anchovy broth.

10 large anchovies
1/2 green onion
1/2 onion
kelp in moderation
Radish in moderation

@ Put the broth ingredients in a cylindrical broth container and pour 1 liter of water.
@ Close the lid and boil for about 30 minutes.
@ The color of the anchovy broth changes to light brown.

These days, it’s easy to make anchovy broth.
All you have to do is put one coin-shaped concentrated anchovy stock in a pot of water and boil it.
I used a product that concentrated anchovy broth.

Anchovy Broth Concentrate

B. Making broth for banquet noodles

There are 5 ingredients needed to make the stock ingredients for banquet noodle.

1/4 green zucchini
some carrots
1/3 onion
1/4 green onion
1 egg


some MSG
a pinch of salt

Rinse somen with cold water

@ Put the anchovy broth made in A in the pot.
@ Transfer the egg into a bowl and beat it first.
@ When the anchovy broth starts to boil, put the eggs in the pot first and stir well. [So as not to clump]
@ Add all the cut vegetables and boil.
@ Adjust the salty taste with salt and adjust the Umami with MSG.
@ After boiling some noodles, cool them in cold water.
@ Transfer the noodles to a bowl and pour the broth.


banquet noodle, also known as banquet noodle, are a traditional Korean dish often served during local parties and celebrations, such as weddings or 60th birthdays. The dish has a relatively short history and is believed to have originated between the late Joseon Dynasty and the Japanese colonial period.

The main component of banquet noodle is the soup, which is made from anchovy broth. To prepare the anchovy broth, you will need 10 large anchovies, 1/2 green onion, 1/2 onion, kelp, and radish. These ingredients are boiled together for about 30 minutes until the broth changes to a light brown color.

For the actual banquet noodle broth, you will need the anchovy broth prepared earlier, along with additional ingredients such as 1/4 green zucchini, some carrots, 1/3 onion, 1/4 green onion, and 1 egg. Condiments like MSG and salt are added to enhance the taste of the broth. The vegetables and eggs are cooked in the anchovy broth until the flavors are well combined.

To assemble the dish, somen noodles are boiled separately and then cooled in cold water. Once cooled, the noodles are placed in a bowl, and the prepared broth is poured over them.

Over the years, the popularity of banquet noodle has grown, and it is now commonly found in many snack bars, reflecting its popularity as a delicious and easy-to-make dish for celebrations in Korean culture.

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