Korean Crab Stew [ Kkotgetang ] Recipe, 2 Additional Blue Crab Dishes

Korean Crab Stew [ Kkotgetang ] Recipe, 2 Additional Blue Crab Dishes , Seasoned Spicy Crab, Soy Crab, Crab Meat Recipe

The blue crab is a food ingredient that many people like.
Blue crab dishes made using blue crabs are deliciously cooked and enjoyed in many countries with their own recipes.
Among them, we will give you detailed information about Korean-style crab soup and all the benefits of blue crabs.


When is the blue crab full of flesh?

Female and male crabs

Female crabs spawn from June to August.
After the spawning season, it consumes a lot of energy, so the taste decreases.

In the case of female crabs, they are most delicious when the eggs are full in the stomach.
However, it is illegal to catch female crabs when they are full of eggs, so we do not catch them.

When a female crab gets caught in a net while fishing in the sea, it is immediately released.

How to tell a female crab apart.

The flat stomach is a female blue crab.

So, should we not eat crabs at this time?

It’s not like that. This is the time to eat male crabs.
This is when male crabs are full of white flesh.

Female crabs eat for the taste of the eggs, but male crabs are eaten for the sweetness of the flesh.
You can feel the taste of 100% crab meat in male crab.

How to identify male crabs.

A flat belly is a female blue crab.

Types of crab dishes

In Korea, there are three types of dishes made with blue crab.

A. Seasoned spicy blue crab
B. Soy Sauce Crab
C. Crab Soup

A. Seasoned Spicy Crab

This is a photo showing spicy seasoned blue crab

Seasoned spicy blue crab is a dish made by washing fresh flowers and tossing them in red pepper paste seasoning.
Gochujang seasoning and blue crab flesh are well harmonized, and it is a dish with a rich taste.

The spicy seasoned blue crab must have rice.
If you mix rice with gochujang seasoning and blue crab meat, 2 bowls of rice will disappear right away.

B. Soy Crab

This is a picture showing soy sauce crab.

Soy crab is made by washing fresh blue crabs, putting them in soy sauce, and fermenting them.
Soy sauce is made by mixing dark soy sauce with water, sugar, Cheongyang pepper, whole garlic, and soju.

Put the blue crab in the seasoned soy sauce and ferment it in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days.
And take out the soy sauce crab sauce and eat it with rice.

Rice is essential for blue crab dishes.
If you eat this soy sauced crab with rice, 2 bowls of rice will disappear right away.

C. Crab Soup

This is a picture of Korean crab soup.[korean crab stew]

Today’s main character is crab soup.

Crab soup is a type of soup in which well-washed blue crabs are boiled with seasoning sauce and various vegetables.
Prepare the seasoning in advance.

Put radish, kelp, water, and seasoning in a pot and bring to a boil.
When all the kelp is soaked in the soup, scoop out the kelp and throw it away.

Add the crab and the rest of the vegetables and bring to a boil.

Taste and use of Ingredients [ Recipe For Crab Stew ]

Cheongyang pepper [ Clean taste, spicy taste ]
◎ Red pepper [ To make the color of food pretty ]
◎ Green zucchini [ Color and texture of food ]
◎ Onion, green onion [ sweetness ]
◎ Water parsley [ The fragrant scent of water parsley eliminates the fishy taste and enhances the texture ]

◎ Gochujang [ Spicy, Umami ]
◎ Soybean paste [ fishy taste removed, savory taste ]
◎ Red pepper powder [ Increases the feeling of sharpness in the throat and spicy taste ]
◎ Minced Garlic [ Remove fishy taste ]
◎ Soy sauce [ Increased salty and savory taste ]
◎ Tuna broth [ Increased savory taste ]
◎ Ginger Powder [ fishy taste removed ]


◎ 1/2 green zucchini
◎ kelp
◎ 1/2 onion
◎ 1 red pepper
◎ 1 cheongyang pepper
◎ 1 green onion
◎ water parsley

Seasoning Sauce

◎ 1 tablespoon of soybean paste
◎ 1 tbsp red pepper paste
◎ 1 tbsp chilli powder
◎ 2 tbsp minced garlic
◎ 2 tbsp soy sauce
◎ 2 tbsp tuna stock
◎ 2 tbsp ginger powder

Efficacy Of Crab

Blue Crab

Blue crabs are rich in keto acid.
Because keto acid removes cholesterol accumulated in our body, it lowers cholesterol levels and makes blood circulation more active.

And blue crab, a high-protein, low-fat food, contains a lot of arginine, which helps men’s vitality.
It’s also great for preventing diseases like vascular health, arrhythmias, strokes, and myocardial infarction.

The blue crab is rich in calcium, which helps to prevent osteoporosis in the growth of children and the elderly.
In addition, amino acids such as methionine, cysteine, and taurine relieve hangovers and protect the liver.

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