Differences between Korean Kimbap and Sushi, 5 Gimbap Ingredients and Recipes

Differences between Korean Kimbap and Sushi, 5 Gimbap Ingredients and Recipes

Korean Kimbap is a common food in snack bars.
A line of ramen and kimbap will make your stomach feel full.
This post provides detailed information on the differences between kimbap and sushi, as well as the 5 ingredients for kimbap and how to make them.


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What is Korean Kimbap?

vegetable kimbap

Spread the rice evenly on the square seaweed.
It is a form of eating by placing various vegetables on it, rolling it into rounds, and cutting it into bite-sized pieces.

Regular, unmodified Korean Kimbap usually consists of various vegetables and eggs.
For kim, raw seaweed is used, and for rice, savory rice is used by rubbing it with sesame oil.

Vegetables are usually ham, cucumber, pickled radish, egg, and crabmeat, so you can feel the unique taste of many vegetables at once.
Cucumber and pickled radish are used for a crunchy texture, and ham, egg, and meat are used to further enhance the umami of the ingredients.

What is the difference between Kimbap and Sushi?

Korean Food Kimbap Japanese Food Sushi

The difference between sushi and Gim Bap lies in the ingredients and shape.
Gimbap is a dish made by placing vegetables, ham, egg, pickled radish, etc., on top of the seaweed and rolling it into a circular shape.

Sushi is a dish made by placing wasabi on a clump of rice and topping it with slices of raw fish.
Sushi and Kimbap are very different.

Sushi can include not only slices of raw fish but also clams, beef, eggs, and other ingredients placed on top of rice.
Kimbap can also be made by using different ingredients instead of the ones traditionally used.

Below is an example of a variation of Korean Kimbap.

Before transformation: Ham, crab meat, egg, cucumber, and pickled radish were used as ingredients.
After transformation: Stir-fried tuna kimchi, ham, burdock, and pickled radish are used as ingredients.

As in the example, it can be transformed into the ingredients I want.
There are many kinds of gimbap sold in Korea.

There are many types of gim-bap, including original GimBap, vegetable KimBap, kimchi KimBap, cheese KimBap, bulgogi Kimbap, and tuna KimBap.

Are kimbap healthy?

kimbap Ingredients

80% of the ingredients in Korean Kimbap are vegetables, and ham or meat is sometimes added to the rest.
Typically, regular gimbap consists of vegetables, including egg, and rice.

90% ~ 100% is composed of vegetables that are good for our body.
Those who require vegans can omit the egg and add a variety of other veggies.

However, using ingredients that can be cut long is good for rolling GimBap.
Korean Kimbap is a food that is easy to transform.

Make it with vegetables of your choice.

Is kimbap eaten cold?

Bulgogi Gimbap

Gim Bap is not necessarily a cold food.
After making Gim Bap, it will cool down after a while.

Kimbap is delicious even when it is cold, so just eat it.
You don’t have to eat persimmon rice warm.

However, if you make it and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days, the rice becomes hard and tasteless.

Kimbap made on the same day is best eaten on the same day.

Is Kimbap Korean Sushi? [Kimbap vs Sushi ?]


Gim Bap is often referred to as Korean sushi.
But not Korean style sushi.

Gim Bap is one of Korea’s unique dishes.
Sushi is a Japanese expression.

Sushi is a form of fish meat placed on top of rice, and kimbap is a form of rice and vegetables placed on top of seaweed and rolled into a round shape.
The expression Korean-style sushi is incorrect because the form of making it and the composition of ingredients are different.

Kimbap can be literally expressed as GimBap.

Kimbap’s trend of the times

In the 1990s, Gim-Bap was eaten a lot during picnics and school sports days.
Since the 2000s, restaurants such as GimBap Heaven have appeared, and it has changed into a food that can be easily accessed at a low price.

At this time, the first release price was $0.8
In the 2010s, many gim bap-related chain stores such as KimBap Heaven, Thoughts of KimBap, KimBap Nara, and KimBap Story were created.

Gim bap brand doesn’t just sell KimBap.
GimBap is just the basic menu.

The types of dishes sold by the KimBap brand usually make and sell 80 types of dishes.
At this time, the selling price of Gim-Bap was $1.1

In the 2024 s, the price of GimBap has become very expensive these days as the prices of ingredients rise.
Currently, the average price of Gim-Bap is $29 ~ $35

Kimbap Heaven Menu

Kimbap Recipe

Gimbap that you can see on the street and in snack bars.
When I was a student, I often went to a snack bar with my friends.

I usually bought tteokbokki and gimbap at snack bars, but why can’t I reproduce the taste of that time?

I’ve been thinking like this.
It is not difficult to make Gimbap.

The taste differs depending on what ingredients are added, but the Gimbap we are introducing now introduces the basic kimbap.

Basic Gimbap Ingredients

  • Thin Ham
  • Nori For Kimbap
  • egg
  • Pickled Radish
  • Carrot
  • Crab Meat

Tips you must know before making Kimbap!!

Nori for kimbap is different from regular laver.
If you roll gimbap with regular laver in a round shape, it will tear easily and the seaweed will come loose.

Nori for kimbap is tougher than regular laver.
If you touch the front and back parts of laver for kimbap with your hands, you can see that the front part is soft and the back part is rough.

The soft part goes to the bottom, and you put rice and ingredients on the rough side and roll it in a circle.
It is recommended to add a little less water when cooking rice.

If you mix rice with sesame oil and then make kimbap, the stickiness is less and the taste of the rice becomes more savory.

More tips! [ Kimbap Korean Recipe ]

Kimbap Ingredients

  • Tuna
  • egg
  • Perilla Leaves
  • Pickled Radish
  • Kimchi
  • Carrot

Kimbap Making Video

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