5 Reasons Why Koreans Wrap Meat in Lettuce Wraps

The whole story of lettuce

Lettuce is a vegetable rich in vitamins.
When you eat meat, you should always eat vegetables along with it. The fat from meat gives bad nutrition to our body.
While cholesterol rises and gives bad nutrition to blood vessels and blood, vegetables purify the blood and contain healthy ingredients.
This article introduces in detail why Koreans eat meat with lettuce Wraps and the benefits of sangchu.


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Perilla Leaf

What to make with lettuce?

In Korea, lettuce is usually eaten wrapped in meat or sashimi.
The culture of wrapping lettuce in various foods such as grilled pork belly, grilled beef, grilled ribs, and sashimi is active.
It is really delicious to eat not only sangchu, but also sangchu with a piece of meat, ssamjang, raw onion, raw garlic, kimchi, and various vegetables.
The biggest factor in eating sangchu wrapped in meat is that eating sangchu with meat lowers the cholesterol in the meat.
You can also make a variety of dishes using sangchu.


Dishes you can make with lettuce Wraps

What Korean dishes can be made using lettuce?
Acorn jelly is often used as an ingredient in various dishes such as seasoned sangchu, seasoned lettuce, ingredients for bibimbap, sangchu pancakes, sangchu soybean paste soup, and various other dishes.
It is usually used as a side ingredient rather than a main dish.

Acorn jelly seasoned: Cut 500g of acorn jelly into bite-size squares. Then, cut 5 lettuce leaves into pieces the size of acorn jelly. For the seasoning, add soy sauce, sesame oil, sesame seeds, and red pepper powder and mix them to complete the seasoning of sangchu acorn jelly.

Acorn jelly seasoned

Sangchu seasoning: This is a food made with sangchu like kimchi. Cut the sangchu into 5 equal parts. You can make it like kimchi by adding canary fish sauce, plum liquid sugar, vinegar, red pepper powder, minced garlic, sesame oil, and sesame seeds.

Lettuce seasoning

Bibimbap: Among the bibimbap ingredients, finely chopped sangchu can be added to make delicious bibimbap.


Lettuce Doenjang Soup : Used as a side ingredient for sangchu Doenjang Soup. It is a side ingredient of a dish that is eaten with sliced sangchu in the finished Doenjang soup.

Lettuce Doenjang Soup

Sangchu is good for our body


In general, green vegetables contain a lot of vitamins.
Lettuce is also a type of green vegetable that contains vitamins A and C. And it is rich in iron, folic acid, and amino acids, making it one of the best foods for pregnant women.
Amino acids increase blood and act to dry blood.
Amino acids work to increase blood and purify blood.
And when you cut the sangchu leaf stalks, milky juice comes out. This is a component called lactucarium. It is a really good ingredient for calming the mind and relieving stress and insomnia.
The reason why you feel sleepy when you eat a lot of sangchu is because of the ingredient lactucarium. When driving, do not eat a lot of lettuce, but consume it in moderation.

How many calories in lettuce?

11 calories per 100g.
This refers to raw lettuce, not cooked sangchu.
It is also used as a diet food due to its low calorie content.


For our body to be healthy, we need to eat lots of vegetables to improve blood circulation.
We eat meat, but we need to eat it with vegetables to keep our body healthy.
One important thing!
It is the ingredients of plants that are used when making medicine, whether it is herbal medicine or western medicine.
As much as vegetables are good for our body, please always eat meat with vegetables.

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