Prima: 3 beats of soft vegetable cream and coffee combination

Prima [Prime] is one of the most popular coffee supplements in Korea.
I ate a mixture of coffee, sugar, and pri-ma.
Among them, today I will explain in detail about Pri-ma, which makes coffee smooth.


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What is Prima?

Pri-ma, which is called vegetable milk, is a food that people love a lot because it has a soft feel.
It is commonly used in coffee supplements.
Pri-ma is a product made using palm oil extracted from palm trees.

Sodium caseinate and some starch sugar are included to create a milk-like feel.
Pri-ma is one of the substitutes for milk.
Pri-ma is used instead of milk because it is inexpensive and has a long shelf life, so it is often used in vending machine coffee.

mix coffee

Pri-ma tastes like milk but is thicker than milk.
Adding pri-ma to ground coffee makes the coffee mellow.
Pri-ma neutralizes the acidity of coffee, reducing the burden on the stomach.

If you add pri-ma and sugar to ground coffee, it becomes a coffee shop. [ Old Korean Coffee Shop = Dabang ]
In Korea, there used to be a coffee called dabang coffee.
Add 3 teaspoons of ground coffee, 3 teaspoons of Pri-ma, and 2 teaspoons of sugar, mix well and drink. The taste is similar to the coffee mix we are currently eating.

mix coffee

What do other countries make with Prima?

Currently, it is a food that is exported a lot to Russia, Taiwan, China, and Southeast Asia.
Unlike Korea, it is widely used in other countries.

korean prima

How to use in other countries

Soup: It is used as a seasoning for soup dishes.
Ice cream: It is used to make sweet taste of ice cream.
Bakery: It is used to make flour filling when making bread or cakes.
Cereal: I eat cereal with sugar.
Bubble tea, milk: I drink it by putting it in black tea, green tea, tapioca, etc.

In many countries abroad, the ingredients are different, but it plays the same role as coconut milk.
It is also used to make spicy foods mild.

How to store Prima.


In order to preserve the taste and aroma for a long time, transfer it to a bottle and use it.
It is usually best to store in a glass bottle and close the lid to prevent air from passing through.

Avoid direct sunlight and store in a cool place.
If you put it in a glass bottle and store it in the refrigerator, it will last a long time.


In Korea, Pri-ma is usually eaten with coffee.
One of the ingredients in mixed coffee is Pri-ma.
Mixed coffee is a well-balanced ratio of coffee, pri-ma, and sugar.
Prima is used instead of milk because it has a long shelf life and is easy to manage.
Try the smooth pri-ma with coffee.

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