4 Reasons Why Strawberries are Good For Your Body [ Strawberry Benefits, Ingredients, The Truth of Strawberries ]

4 Reasons Why Strawberries are Good For Your Body [ Strawberry Benefits, Ingredients, The Truth of Strawberries,hidden benefits of strawberries ]

Strawberries, rich in vitamin C and sweet, are a favorite fruit of many people.
What nutrients are there strawberries that can be eaten in the cold winter season?
From now on, I will tell you everything about strawberries, including hidden effects and nutrients.


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Growing conditions and varieties of strawberries

It is a strawberry variety.[Strawberry Benefits]

Strawberries are classified into three major categories.
There are strawberries, raspberries, and snake berries that we commonly eat.
Among them, we will talk about the strawberry we commonly eat.

Strawberries grow well in cool soil and like temperatures below 25 degrees (cool temperature).
The optimum temperature for strawberry growth is between 17 and 20 degrees.
It also likes well-drained and moderately moist soil.

Strawberries are grown in perennial and annual varieties.
Perennial strawberry : It is a variety that can be planted once and continue to harvest every year.
Annual Strawberry : This is a variety that is planted in autumn and cultivated only once a year.

Usually, when winter comes back, strawberries start to come out to the mart.
That much, strawberries are the fruits that grow in cold places.

Ingredients of Strawberries

This is a strawberry ingredient list.

Strawberries contain many nutrients.
Among them, it contains a lot of vitamins, so it is a fruit that is very helpful for our health.
Nutrients include vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, iron, folic acid, dietary fiber, potassium, calcium, protein, and sugar.

Nutrition Facts per 100g

Vitamin A4ugRE
Vitamin B10.05mg
Vitamin B20.05mg
Vitamin B60.06mg
Vitamin C70mg
Vitamin E0.03mg
Dietary fiber1.55 g
Folic acid15.5ug

Strawberry’s hidden benefits

These are the hidden benefits of strawberries.

Strawberries are a fruit, so what are their benefits? You can try thinking like this.
However, strawberries have hidden benefits.
From now on, let’s find out about the hidden benefits of strawberries.

Suppression Of Cancer Cells

Strawberries are high in antioxidants and are rich in vitamins.
And it contains a component called Apoptosis, which helps suppress cancer cells.

Cardiovascular disease prevention

Strawberries contain antioxidants called anthocyanins [pigments found primarily in flowers and fruits] that help improve cardiovascular health.
And it plays a role in lowering cholesterol and inflammation.

Natural anti-inflammatory

Strawberries are high in vitamin C and mineral antioxidants, which help relieve inflammation.
These ingredients act as natural anti-inflammatory agents and help the cells of our body perform their normal function.

Eye Health

Vitamin C in strawberries can reduce the risk of cataracts in our eyes and slow down vision loss.
Due to the high penetration rate of smartphones and PCs, eye fatigue builds up a lot.
Vitamin C is a good ingredient for vision loss and protects the eyes.

Types of food using strawberries

Strawberries are often used in various food ingredients because of their pretty colors and sweetness.
In Korea, strawberries are sold a lot in winter.
If you want to eat raw strawberry food, it is better to eat it in winter, and after that, frozen strawberries are usually used.

These are the types of strawberry dishes.

It is used in many foods such as strawberry shake, strawberry sandwich, strawberry bread, strawberry cake, strawberry ice cream, Strawberrie tanghulu, strawberry yogurt, strawberry juice, strawberry pie, and strawberry salad.
Korean BBQ Grill

We ate strawberries thinking only of sweet fruits.
Through this article, we learned more about the benefits of strawberries on our bodies.
Now, if we knew that strawberries are made up of healthy ingredients, there would be no reason not to eat them.
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